Welcome to Awakenings, Inc.

Serving as a global community using contemplative spirituality to heal, renew & inspire.

Our Mission

We equip change-makers with the tools to look within & actively respond to daily life from a centered place.

Our Vision

Serving as a global community using contemplative spirituality to heal, renew & inspire.

Our Community Offerings

Solace and Serenity Gathering Podcasts Immerse yourself in a collection of podcasts from our Solace and Serenity gatherings. Listen as we delve into profound discussions that nourish the soul and guide your inner journey.

Contemplative Practices Participate in our live virtual meditations and practices every Wednesday. Engage in sessions that revolve around silence, poetry, imagination, and lyrics, offering pathways to healing, renewal, and inspiration.

Meet The Mystics Series Experience our Meet The Mystics series, where you can watch and listen to conversations that delve into the lives and teachings of mystics throughout history. Let their wisdom expand your spiritual horizons.

Spiritual Practicums Engage in our spiritual practicums, designed to provide hands-on experiences of contemplative spirituality. These immersive activities encourage you to integrate spiritual insights into your daily existence.

Join Awakenings Inc. and be part of a global movement that embraces contemplation, renewal, and the power of the inner self. Connect, learn, and grow with like-minded individuals as we journey together towards a more centered and awakened world.